October 28, 2008

Gaming News: Calling All Aspiring Monster CreatorsXseed Games wants your monster in their Wii game.  So grab your pencil, pens, or crayons and get to doodling.  One winner will get to see their beast (or Unidentified Mysterious Animal "UMA" as Xseed's calling it) come to life in The Little King's Story.  Even if your UMA isn't picked as the top entry, that's no reason to despair.   99 others will have their illustrations displayed in the in-game museum. 

Check out the rules here, and then send your entry over to the folks at Xseed.  Who knows, you may get to face your fears and take on your own monster when the game releases.

Don't wait to send in your entry though, the deadline is August 1st.  Since I can't draw very well, you don't have to worry about taking on the fierce Pengu-Squirrel that's stuck in my head. 


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